The Cyber Magnetic Chair with using the computer’s headphone and microphone jacks, we can first analyze the patient’s voice patterns for energetic disturbance and then chose sound files for relaxation, healing or energy.
The music is sent into the body through the headphones and a magnetic field generator. A magnetic field detector then receives the signal from the body establishing a Cyber magnetic loop. The computer can then change the music to help the patient’s body electric.
Once we do the therapy, you will see the Vibrational Input from the Body and Vibrational Output to the Body. On the bottom you can find the two highest Risks and after the Chromosome Scan we will see what Chromosome is selected by the patient’s subconcious.
1. Voice Test 12 sec
If you click on the „Voice Test 12 sec” to record your voice, please click on the OK button on the pop up window to start the recording.
Ask your client to speak. Tell to the client to say a couple of sentences about themselves to fill in the 12 seconds. As the client speak you can see that the Input is measured. The recorded information is then played and analyzed.
2. Scan Sounds START
The „Scan Sounds START” will scan all of the sounds, select one that is best for the client. By selecting the Input you can see above the Input from the from the Body. You can stop it any time with the „Scan Sounds STOP”. If you connect a headphone than only the patient can hear the sounds. Any media player installed on the computer can supply the music for use of the chair.
3. Sound Treatments
Select one sound that is best for the patient and transfer it.
4. 55 Min. Office visit
This will open a list. From hear you can select many different areas of interest that you want to work with. Select one and double click on it. This will be a 55 minute therapy for your client. At any time you can stop it with the „STOP” button. To close this list right click on it and click „Close the list”.
5. Solfeggio Scan
Starts a scan with a Solfeggio Tones. Once the Solfeggio Scan is over you can do a Solfeggio Treatment which will do one Solfeggio Tone as a treatment.
6. Cybermagnetic Loop
Cybermagnetic Loop Start will play sounds into a loop and will send them into the Magnetic Field of the patient. With the same button you can STOP the therapy any time.
7. Cybermagnetic Loop Choice
Gives us the option of selecting from different frequencies. To close this list right click on it and click „Close the list”.
8. Office Songs
Opens a list with options what to play for the patient.
9. Chromosome Scan
Will scan all of the chromosomes and will show us the result at the end.
1. Plug the Cybermagnetic Chair into any of the input options on the right side of the Amplifier. ( the Amplifier can power three Cybermagnetic chairs at the same time)
2. Place the Point Probe (the color of the cables to match the color of the plugs), the Microfon cable (blue), the Audio cable and the Adapter on the right side of the Amplifier into the marked places.
3. The two Audio adapters you have to plug into the laptop. At the first Audio adapter connect the Microphone cable (blue) and the External Microphone. Please see the picture below.
4. The Microphone cable (blue) and the External Microphone plugged into the Audio adapter, then to the laptop at the microphone plug.
5. Into the second Audio adapter please connect the Audio cable and the Head phone. Please see the picture below. The Head phone is not necessary to the function of the Cyber Magnetic Chair, only optional in case you or the patient would like to listen to the music.
6. The Audio cable and the Head phone plugged into the Audio adapter, then to the laptop at the head phone plug.